Lost One

All of the trees for this scene were built using sculpting inside of Speedtree. I created 3 distinct ages of trees: saplings, adults, and Elder. For each age of tree, I created 3 variations, with each variation having 3 leaf types to add variation. For all of the ground foliage, I used quixel megascans with custom shaders to help match the fall setting.
Night Air

All of the trees in this scene were sculpted using Speedtree, as well as quixel megascans for the ground foliage. Custom shaders were used to help increase variation.
The Last One

For this scene, I wanted to create a lush forest floor, so I utilized several different types of grasses and cloves to help create a wide variety. For the rock assets, I used quixel megascan rocks, which I then created custom shaders for.
Laid to rest

For this scene, I wanted to create a lush forest floor, so I utilized several different types of grasses and cloves to help create a wide variety. For the rock assets, I used quixel megascan rocks, which I then created custom shaders for.

For all of the ground foliage, I used megascan assets from quixel, which I customized the shader on the time of scatting. This allowed me to add randomization, and widen the variety in shade and scale. The rocks were also megascan assets that were optimized for the scene, and retextured to match the surrounding environment before adding in finer details. The tree was custom sculpted inside of Speedtree to create a stylized look.

For the background elements, I used World Creature to sculpt 3 different mountain forms. The forms were then procedurally textured based on slope and heights to lay in grass and rock textures based on scanned assets.
New Horizon

This scene was built using a custom tree sculpted inside of speedtree, along with a variety of grasses to help create a lush beachside heavily inspired by animal crossing new horizon.
Island life

This scene used a variety of pine trees built inside of Speedtree, which allowed me to add small varieties for realism. All of the grasses and flowers were quixel megascans with custom shaders.
Forest Cove

For this scene, I created a variety of leaves using quixel scans. These leaves were cleaned up, then scattered multiple times around the floor to create a fall feeling. The tree was sculpted using Speedtree, and the ferns were also megascans.